HMS CARYSFORT Association Standard Appeal

 Standard Appeal update 18 August 2023
What a magnificent response we've had to our Standard appeal.  We all deserve a pat on the back!  Shown below is the proof Newton and Newton have provided and I've emailed a copy to all the donors for a decision on the preferred style.  We've now had their response (30th  August 2023) and 4 went for A.  10 for B with 3 not responding so B is the clear winner and this is the style that will be ordered.   A breakdown of the costs is also shown.

It was agreed at the combined reunion in 2023 that we need to purchase our own HMS CARYSFORT Association Standard.  They don't come cheap and the quote I have from the preferred supplier Newton and Newton is shown below with accessories and the ship's motto embroidered on it.  I'm appealing to you all to help with this so if you are willing to make a pledge let me know or are ready to make a contribution now then please remit this to: 

HMS CAVALIER Business Account.  Bank:  HSBC  Sort Code 40 45 26 Account 61463179 Reference: Standard.   

If you are uncomfortable doing an online transaction then your own bank will help you do this transfer in branch. If you want do do it by cheque then please email or ring Rowdy Yates on 07957 498769 for his address.   I'll be putting regular updates on the website as the money comes in so we can see where we are at.  Once we are in a position to purchase the Standard we hope to get it dedicated at the next reunion.  Bill Bayley has volunteered to be our Standard Bearer.  He was one of the Standard Bearers at the Queen's funeral.  Please help us achieve this aim.

HMS CARYSFORT Association Standard breakdown of costs


Bill Lace HMS Cavalier Standard Bearer and Brian (Bill) Bayley HMS Carysfort Standard Bearer have confirmed that the items shown below need to be purchased from Newton and Newton who have advised me that their prices change on 1st January so we need to order the gear before the end of this year I would suggest.  Brian has gauntlets and a sling so we've saved on these.  HMS Cavalier also has a two holed plinth (if that's the correct terminology) so that's another saving.  Finally Bill Lace has made a travel bag for our Standard.  He said he doesn't want payment for doing this but Flossie has suggested we buy him a bottle of rum to show our appreciation if there is any money left over from our appeal. Thank you very much Bill from all Carysfort's.


Ceremonial Standard £925.00
 +VAT £185.00
Delivery £ 25.00
+VAT £  5.00
Ceremonial pole (light wood|) £155.00
+VAT £  31.00
Gold Cord & Tassels £ 45.00
+VAT £   9.00
Hollow brass bucket £ 40.00
+VAT £  8.00
Funeral bow  £ 35.00
+VAT £  7.00
GRAND TOTAL £1470.00

Date Benefactor Connection Running Total  
December 2023  Martin Sands  1964-66 +£146.00   
August 2023  Robin Gainsford Last commission +£96.00  
 Colin |(Orry) Orriss Last commission £4.00  
 July 2023  Peter Franklyn Last commission £34.00  
 Alan (Pony) Moore Last commission £134.00  
   Roger Walker Last commission £184.00
   Bill Bayley  Last commission £284.00  
   Ian Fraser Last commission £344.00  
  Angela Mitton Last commission £784.00  
  Keith Wren Last commission £804.00  
June 2023 Wal Adamek Last commission £904.00
Flossie Foster Last commission £1004.00
Jim Donaldson Last commission £1104.00
  Abbie Absolon Last commission £1204.00  
May 2023 Willie Mains Last commission £1240.00  
  Alick Lavers 1964-66 £1340.00  
  Tony Hill 1959 £1370.00  
      £1470.00 Target